适用于低频隔振、缓冲,可作为车载、船泊设备的减震器。称橡胶防震、隔震制品。用于消除或减少机械震动的传 橡胶减震制品递,达到减震、消音及减少冲击所致危害的橡胶制品统称橡胶减震制品。其中包括橡胶减震器、橡胶缓冲器、橡胶连接件、空气弹簧及橡胶护弦等。为纯橡胶或带织物、金属骨架增强的橡胶产品,一般用模压法制造。广泛用于房屋建筑、机械设备、车辆、舰船和仪表等行业。
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WhatsApp:+86 13645201509
What is the shock-absorbing rubber for the right scraper level indicator # 2454130121 of the Fog scraper
Suitable for low-frequency isolation and buffering, it can be used as a shock absorber for vehicle mounted and ship berthing equipment. Rubber shock and isolation products. Rubber shock-absorbing products used to eliminate or reduce mechanical vibrations, achieve shock absorption, noise reduction, and minimize the harm caused by impact, are collectively referred to as rubber shock-absorbing products. This includes rubber shock absorbers, rubber buffers, rubber connectors, air springs, and rubber strings. Rubber products made of pure rubber or reinforced with fabric or metal frame are generally manufactured by compression molding. Widely used in industries such as housing construction, mechanical equipment, vehicles, ships, and instruments.
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Company Introduction
The company supplies paver accessories, roller accessories, milling machine accessories, paver scraper drive shaft, scraper drive shaft assembly, leveling instrument, leveling instrument bracket, hydraulic pump and accessories. We also supply vulnerable parts for pavers, including balance beams, agitator shafts, pedals, feeding base plates, blades, ironing plates, reducers, chain rails, track plates, support wheels, scraper chains, and feeding chains.
Contact: Manager Liang
Contact information: 13645201509
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NetEase email: LS13645201509@163.com
WhatsApp:+86 13645201509